little back ground - the origin of this cave temple in Trikuta mountain lying in
the state of Jammu Tawi dedicated
to the Mother Goddess in her three manifestations of Maha Saraswati, Maha
Lakshmi, and Maha Kali is all the more important than her darsan. A glance at
the origin arms one with faith that itself takes him on its viewless wings A
rarity! A visit worthy spot! On any account!!!
The origin is stepped in the antique traditional past.
Scriptural evidence is too scanty, nor history embodies accounts worthy of
mention. Though inscriptional proof exudes the grasp, sculptural evidence
establishes the exact time, if applied .Any way, the story handed down from
mouth to mouth is enough to draw the devotee to the feet of the MOTHER, since it
is imbued with divine
mysticism, with concrete proof on the walls of the cave.