To mark this
event, Triputtu Arattu-bathing ceremony is conducted regularly
since then. On account of the occurrence of this here, the
Panhaloha Vigrah representing her figure menstruates even today.
So the tradition is maintained with great reverence. Normally
the priest who attends to the Nirmalaya revoving of the
previous day's flowers etc., at the opening of the temple door examines
the petticoat of the deity. If he finds the signs of bleeding
on the petticoat, it is sent to the priest's house for confirmation
by the chief lady the priest's wife. On confirmation,
the Srikoil is kept closed for three days. During this
period, a small vigraha is installed in a secluded room, and regular
worship is offered to it On .the fourth day 'Triputtu' Ceremony-bathing ritual is performed with great fanfare. The
then is taken out to the nearby Pampa river on a elephant. Thousands
of devotees, particularly ladies attend this. The returing
of this deity to t-he temple is awaited by Lord Parameswar mounted
on elephant Receiving her at the portal, they go back to
heir respective seats Then regular pujas are conducted. This is
a monthly occurrence, vet athikas attach great saucily and celebrate
it with utmost devotion if nasthiks belittle it, or deliberately
denigrate, they are punished forthwith. History with abundant
evidence recorded the consequences of a desecration this
practice along with names and dates. Besides the petticoat
that bearing the marks of blood was sold in auction, and
the bidders being many including intellectuals and officials, it
fetched thousands of rupees. Among the buyers, one may surprised to find the
names of ex-president V. V.Girl and Sri. C.P. Ramaswamy lyer to quite a few.
Can science disregard this tradition? There is an instance of dire consequence
faced by
an alien mho pooph-popped the tradition deliberately.