most singular feature that characterizes this august shrine there are three
denies in one and the same compounds and all are relieving the victims from the
evil spirits No where such feature is seen in Kerala or India for that matter.
shrine like any place of worship has a big Prakara, Anapandal, Nalambalam,
Srikoil and etc. Moreover it is built in a spacious sprawling ground. Due to
munificent royal patronage it enjoyed every structure is quite imposing and unusual
in dimensions, besides majestic in appearance. Its distinctive speciality lies
in having a separate, independent shrine
for each one of the two august deities built almost adjacent to one another
and the third one at a little distance but in the vast prakara. And each deity
is endowed with similar power and is dealing with the wicked spirits each in its
own way within its might. But MOTHER Rajarajeswari's say is final. When her
benignity is sought for, she assigns the cases cither to Bhadrakali at Kizhakavu, or Dharmasashsta according the temper
of the possessing spirit and as tenacious grip over the victims.