Here is a hoary Bhadrakali temple with a difference. It is acting as a holy
health clinic specialised in curing many, terrible diseases, such as small pox
etc. Strangely enough, its curative ministrations are not confined to certain
seasons in a year. It is carrying on this divine humanitarian service round
the clock and throughout the year at it. Hence huge crowds are seen awaiting the
darsan to curing of their maladies always. The miraculous powers of the Mother
are so efficacious that the disease takes to flight with victims reaching of the
portals. of the Mother's temple. This belief, nay actual cure is lifting the unfortunate sufferers without any trace of least doubt. The temple has earned
glittering feathers to the state and is extending invaluable service without
spending even a single pie
on medicines to speak the truth.
is a temple of modest dimensions and is adorned with elegant sculpture. Regular pooja is offered daily and on periodical festival days like Bharani falling m
Feb-March, the whole town overflows with unmanageable crowds coming from far and
near. The enthusiasm of neighbouring villages numbering thirteen on this
festival day is beyond description. They display elegantly built cars drawn with
horses in token of their infinite joy and worship the Mother with devotion par
excellence. This festival smacks of Buddhist traditions, yet the craze for
participation is beyond words.
lies near Mavalikara, an important town in Kerala, accessible by four wheelers.