The popular notion of the name of 'Patankot' signifies Muslim
religion and its domination politically and socially by Muslims. It is clear
case of misconception and erroneous interpretation. It means etymologically a 'padh'
standing for path or route. Originally it was Hindu dominated and was under the
rule of Hindu kings. It meant then the meeting place of many streets or paths as
we call now chowk. In the beginning when Hindu kings held their sway, there was
a court located at this place for adjudication of cases. It was the hub of
social and religious activities. But later, the advent of Muslims their
fanaticism swallowed several ennobling Hindu temples and constructions imposing
and awe-some, built by religionists of great repute.
It was here adjoining the court there was a temple for Devi.
It was an ancient one with many hoary traditions and faith building activities.
People were congregating here quite often both for judical and spiritual
functions. The temple stood for catholicity and transcended sectarianism, as
Mother Devi was impartial in granting boons to all. She enjoyed the confidence
of all religions and her votaries were drawn from all castes and creeds of all
age groups. But the Muslim bigotry changed the scenery and filled the area with
Muslim spirit and power; but they did not or could not alter the root meaning,
although the usage gave a different meaning and flavor.
This temple lies on the way to Trigarthi
mountain, accessible
by four wheelers.