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This august icon was intensely worshipped by the Chola dynasty and the great Rajaraja Chola installing it in the place itself adored it with unprecedented devotional fervour. Every important state decision was receiving her benign sanction and even the wars against the neigh touring kings or far off emperors were taking the final shape only after offering prayers to her And she blessed the expansionist ventures with complete success. After the fall of the empire, the statue lost its pre eminence, yet remained unharmed by any for centuries. It is only a century back this vas brought and installed in the famous Dhenupureeswarar temple that earned a unique place due to its association with celestials, and celebrated humans. This big temple dedicated to Siva was visited by Sri Rama among celestials and Patti, the daughter of Kamadhenu attained emancipation with the anugrah of Bhagawan Siva.

And the sthalapurana is vociferous in eulogizing that Viswamitra became Brahmarishi only with this Siva Peruman's blessings. Finally, Gnanasambhandar was accorded ceremonious welcome with the offer of Muthupandal when he visited this shrine. 

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