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The Mother's sannidhi is quite extensive and fact east. It is the first mandir that is receiving first prayers in this triple shrived Saiva kshetra, as it is at the entrance itself It an independent one, possessing all the requisite parts with a  difference. Everything is vast and well adorned with sculpture pieces of high order. The Mother's icon in standing post r measures about five feet in height and looks exceeding captivating: None takes off his eye from her compassion looking visage, if once she gleams into sight. The decoration displays the supreme skill of the priest and wrings instant obeisance. Agamic puja, thrice a day is offered. And annual festivals are celebrated with due devotion. Next to her sannidhi lies the much hallowed Tirugnana Sambandar's temple, a prodigy of her making. And the Siva's shrine lies just opposite these two and it is quite enormous in size. There are may mini-shrines in the vast campus, among them Runavimochan Vinayakar shrine is inyariably visited by the visitors.

It is 6 km from Vaideswaran Koil accessible by town bus or train.

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