the world renowned Muruga kshetra, and counted one among the six hoary hill
abodes of Lord Subrahmanya is housing many shrines big and small, ancient and
modern in and around the town. Ganesh mandirs greet the eyes at several points
as one proceeds towards the sanctum sanctorum by bus or on foot. In addition,
small shrines enshrining Sakti in her several manifestations are seen in many
places and are receiving reverent worship regularly. Among such Satiskthalas,
the recently built Tanikachalamma shrine deserves reverent mention It is a small
but sublime shrine installed with Mother Tanikachalamma, a grams devata of great
popularity. The one cellar temple enshrining a two fact high granite icon of
Mother Tanikachalama on a raised digs is a cynosure of attanaction and the icon
feasts the eyes of the devotees with gorgeous decoration. The profusion of
garlands interspersed with dazzling necklaces lifts the souls at first sight
itself. Regular agamic worship is offered with elaborate rituals. On account of
her benign disposition towards the adorers, she has become exceedingly popular
in a matter of few years. Huge crowds visit both mornings and evenings and pray
devoutly either before taking vows to get out of the maze of unending worries,
or on extricating themselves from the meshes on the Mother's grace. The temple
facing east is touching the road leading to bus stand and to be precise at about
300 metres off the Kamala Cinema hall at the railway gate. As the infinite
compassion of the Mother is mounting heights, day after day the devotional
ardour of the devotees is also increasing.
is near the Tiruttani railway station, accessible by walk.