- Sivaalayam, there flashes them across your mind a Sivalinga, the
object of adoration. Its size may vary and colour too differ, but
lingakara remains constant. Rarely the icons of Lord Siva are
installed, but to see him in the form of male genital is unique. It
conception sends thrills and the sight springs surprises. This is
what one experiences in the temple at Gudimallam, near Tirupati.
temple called Parasurameswaraalayam is built on the banks of
Suvaranamukhi river. There is a fascinating tale about this place.
It runs-once there was a devotee by name Parasurameswara, who was
worshipping Lord Siva regularly with exceptional ardor using flowers
grown in his tank nearby. The flowers were odd in shape and
colours-And grand to look at. The Lord was pleased and conferred
bliss on him. Seeing this unseen, a demon one day ventured to pluck
all the flowers and offered to Siva. Finding the transgression
grievous, the pious Sivabhakta entered into a fierce boxing bout
with the demon. When the vanquished demon was about to be crushed,
Lord Siva appeared and blessed the both with their desire of
Sayujyamukti - merging in Him.