Siva Temples In Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


This sacred Siva kshetra has given birth to Errana, one of the great poets, who translated Visa's Mahabharata into Telugu. This good old temple built during the reign of Maurya Chandragupta contains a grand image of Errana and is adored by literatures with great zeal. The Sivalinga surprises the devotees by its colour - it is white on one side and red on the other side. According to legend, the linga was drinking the milk of a cow in the form of a serpent, and when a cowherd beat the snake, it turned into white Sivalinga, and hence the red colour indicating the blood that came out when received the blow of the cowherd by his axe. Another special feature that strikes the eye here is the enormous tank in which thousand elephants according to local version were swimming at a time. It contains the beautiful images of Chandi, Subrahmanya, Virabhadra, Kumaraswamy etc.

It lies in the Kandukur taluk of Prakasam district and was called Netrapuri in the past and is accessible by bus from Kandukur.

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