world renowned Ramappa Aalaya is dedicated to Ramalingeswaraswamy,
but not to Sri Rama, as the name Ramappa Aalaya goes. This Sivaalaya
was named only after Ramappa, the immortal sculptor. It is a
standing specimen of the Deccan architectural pattern of medieval
times. It was built by King Recharla Rudra of Kakatiya dynasty in
1273 A.D., and is common with the Hanumakonda Thousand pillared
Aalaya in sculptural patterns and architectural models. Its plinth
resembling a star rises above the ground to a height of seven feet
nearly. The profusion of Madanika figures and superb craftsmanship
displayed on the,, inner and outer walls of the shrine affords a
grand feast to the eyes. Mural carvings depict dancing poses of
different kinds along with important scenes from Mahabharatha. In
the garbha griha, the three foot-high Sivalinga installed on a
18-foot high, Panavatta arrests the attention of the visitor and
enthralls him instantly. The metal image of Nagendra with its
outspread hood heightens the grandeur of Sivalinga and detains for
long. Many adorable deities adorn the beautiful niches in and out of
the main Aalaya and other subsidiary ones built in its close
is located in Palampet at a distance of 90 km to Warangal, the head
quarters town of the same name in Andhra Pradesh.