was the second capital to the Vijayanagara kings and was called as
Ghanagiri or Ghanadri. There was two famous Aalayas - Sri Ramaalayam
and Sivaalayam in the big fort, then called Gaganamahal Fort. Both
are in ruins now, even though the royal dynasty patronized and spent
lavishly then. Age has withered its external splendor, but its
internal divinity is still exercising hold on the theists.
Sivaalaya contains a big size Sivalinga and just opposite it lies a
huge Nandi image. It is built in Vesara style with a Viniana on the
garbha griha and other parts as commonly found in Sivaalayas.
lies in Penugonda, the taluq head quarters town of the same name in
the Anantapur district of Andhra, Pradesh.