is the principal Sivaalaya of the town, reputed as the selfsame
place, where the great sage Markandeya had installed the Sivalinga
for relieving mankind from the misfortune of untimely death, as he
was saved from the Yamapasa,
when hurled at by Yama himself. People, in grip of the fear of
accidental death, or on crossing that period of imagined death -
apatmrityuparihara worship this Siva with unbounded fervour. It is
largely visited kshetra possessing many adorable deities as common
to all Sivaalayas. Periodical festivals convert this into Bhukailas
with several devotional activities consuming lakhs of rupees.
lies on the bank of Goutami in the heart of the city and enjoys all
facilities to reach it. There are many more Sivaalayas in and
around this old city.