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Temples Of India


Siva's cosmic dance represents the primal rhythmic energy. This has deep symbolism, proclaiming, in addition to other factors, that all the deities along with planets are taking part in it along with Siva, the protagonist of the play. It mirrors the harmonised rhythm of the Universe and depicts its energy, rhythm, harmony and orderliness. So it is made the object of veneration. The image of Nataraja invariably found in every Sivaalaya conforms to the Uttama Dasa Tala measurement and exemplifies its import vividly. Before going into details, rivet your attention on the Nataraja image. It has two legs and four hands. The front left hand reveals Gajahasta pose; the back left hand holds the fire-pot, whereas Damaru is held in the back right hand and the right front arm showing the Abhaya pose. The lifted up left leg turning towards, keeps across the right leg. Its head is adorned with Jatamakuta, flowers, snake, jewels, of course the cresent moon atop, and ears with Makara and Patra kundalas. And the yagnoparita across the chest, smeared with saffron paste, dominating the whole milky white body which is draped in tiger's skin.

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