of course, was saved but not the people; for Daruki, the wife of
Daruka having obtained innumerable boons from Mother Uma, continued
asurakrityas more barbarously than before and turned herself a
veritable form of Death in her Rakshasa physical frame. Sympathising
the people, Siva manifested Himself as Jyotirlinga and lifted
Saranagathas en masse. At their instance, and by the intense power
of devotion of Supriya, Lord Siva has been abiding in this place to
protect devotees as desired. Later a suitable temple was built and
regular worship was conducted that alone is acting as rakshakavacha
for the people. The Jyotirlinga that emerged is still receiving all
types of prayer services in a well-built temple near Dwaraka, the
earthly abode a Lord Krishna. It is on the way to Beti Dwaraka. This
linga is called by another name of Nageswar or Naganathaswamy.