for gods, Ravana's obtaining the Atmalinga and becoming mightier by
the boons posed a problem. Sure Ravana would besiege heaven and
torture them. So they became nervous. They at once resorted to
strategy to foil his efforts of installing the Sivalinga in Lanka.
Accordingly Lord Mahavishnu taking the form of a brahmin met him on
the way, when Ravana developed all on a sudden some stomach trouble
urging him to ease out at once; for, according to the strategy,
Varuna the Lord of Rain entered his body and worked out commotion in
the bowels. Treating the chance meeting of brahmin at that juncture,
as a bolt from the blue, he requested the latter to hold the
Sivalinga for a short while, so that he could attend to the calls of
nature. The brahmin agreed, but before Ravana made a few steps
forward, deposited it on the ground saying that it was too heavy to
be held it any longer. And he disappeared before Ravana reached the
spot. Infuriated Ravana cursing his fate crossly, tried to lift it
but could not. Used his physical strength, courted failure, employed
asurasakti, failed again. He pulled it up and thrust it down, shook
it side wards and tried all ways, but the goal could not be sighted
even. In his utter desperation, he determined to break it and so
applied his heavy club to it. Alas, only a chip flew out from the
top, when all his energy, .patience, tenacity were spent out, he
then resorted to prayers -- started. Jalabhishek with waters from a
pond, he materialized and filled it with waters of all the sacred
rivers of the earth. After that he left for Lanka, grumbling, but he
visited often for worship.