Siva Temples In Gujarat
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Temples Of India


Brahma then substituted a golden Sivalinga -- Hataka linga at their earnest request, on realising their folly. And it was called Hatakeswara linga later. Chitra Sarma, a brahmin renowned for his scholarship living at Chamatkarapur was greatly attracted to this linga and prayed regularly with unprecedented fervor. At his humble plea, Siva allowed him introducing the Hatakeswaropasana in Vadnagar. Soon 68 temples were built by devout Saivates and gradually Sivopasana became very popular and the Kshetra attracted a steady influx of devotees.

Later, a sage Mankana name came to this place and performed penance. Due to efficacy of his tapas, vegetable juice started flowing from his hand. Odd isn't it? It elated the sage, but he turned conceited, and started dancing. Siva, pleased with it descended and blessed him. As this place pleased Siva most, He said that it would be called Anandapur and He would stay permanently in the name of Anandeswar. 'A mandir was built to install Him. The Sivalinga thus found here is luring unending streams of Bhaktas throughout the year.

It lies near Vijnagar in the State of Gujarat.

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