Temple Complex
temple goes by the name of Ekambaranathaswamy koil. Adoration
to this Kshitimurti brings forth fortune and fame. It is the
biggest and the most impressive temple in Siva Kanchi enshrining the
Prithvi lingam representing the Earth aspect. It is a huge
temple with five prakaras and elaborately decorated towers.
The same mango tree under which she performed tapas is seen even
today. Almost all visitors pay obeisance to it due to its
sanctity and antiquity. The sculptural wealth of this temple
offers of feast to the theists and connoisseurs. Lord Siva is
popularly adored as Ekambaranathaswamy here. This
Prithvimurthi is fairly a big linga about three feet in
height. The special feature observed here the Earthern linga
is given only Champakataila abhishek. Abhishek with any
liquid, just as milk, water, panner, curd, panchamrita is
prohibited. Almost all other ritualistic prayers are offered
in accordance with Saivagamas. All the periodical festivals as
celebrated in the Sivaalayas are given the utmost importance.
Sundaramurti Nayanar worshipped the Lord and his lost eye sight was
restored. Tirukaruppu Thonda and Satyananda devotees were
emancipated with this Lord's mercy. The theists offer several
types of prayer services during auspicious days with a gusto
unprecedented, and involvement unparallaled. Of the eight
Sivashtamurtis, Prithvimurti it abiding in this place. Hence
this glory. (For exhaustive account vide No.4 of the Abodes of
Gods Series. -- AGS).