Siva Temples In Maharashtra
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Temples Of India


The pleateau of Amarkantak, the source of several great rivers like Narmada, Mahanadi and Sona is a holy spot of pilgrimage. It is visited by large number of pilgrims on their way to, or from Puri in Orissa. The hill of Amarkantak contains many mandirs both for Saiva and Vaishnava gods. There are many kundas for holy bath. The ancient Amarnath Mahadev Mandir is luring theists regularly. It contains Sivalinga and other Saivate gods such as Parvathi, Ganesh, Subrahmanya and Nandi. Savagama worship is offered "here with due fervour.

It lies about 10 Km off Pendra road railway station connecting Bilasapur with Katni. Bus journey can be made from these cities.

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About Amarkantak - Amarnath Mahdev Mandir