Of India |
to legend, Vupamanyu, the son of venerable Kausika Maharshi, one of
the Saptamaharshis doing Saivaaradhana here once, solicited Maheswar
for milk to making Ksheerabhisheka to Lord; for, milk was scarcely
available in this region. Realising the request .reasonable, Lord
Siva dug a tank with His potent Trident here and diverted milk from
Ksheerasagara. It not only fulfilled Vupamanyu's wish, but also
enabled people to get plentiful milk from that tank overflowing with
it perennially. So it got the name of Palakota which in course of
time became Palakollu. On account of the abundant growth of milk
trees here, this primeval forest area was called Dhugdapovanam and
also Vupamanyapuram due to dwelling of Vupamanyu here, and
worshipping Siva according to legend. Later it was fortunate enough
to be blessed with one of the five pieces of Sivalinga of Tarakasura,
and it was called Ksheeraramam. The sacred Sivahnga receiving
worship now was installed by Sri Rama in the Tretayuga. Hence doubly
holy and greater attraction too. Srinatha's Bhimeswarapurana
embodies and elaborate account of this kshetra and the sports of
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Palakollu - Ksheeraramam |