That Lord Siva To Be Adored
Major Sections
Temples Of India


First, let us take the word - SIVA.  If it is split up, we see three parts -- first 'IS' which means delight, welfare, happiness, auspiciousness mainly; 'I' represents the created beings and 'VAH' stands for one who grants auspiciousness.  Put together it refers to one, who grants happiness to the jivarasi.  Next is 'Vishnu' and means thereby one who is present everywhere; Sarvah stands for one, who destroys everything  during Kalpantha or pralaya;  Ganesa means the Lord of Pramadaganas  a class of servants attending on Siva;  ISA stands for one who appoints and maintains.  And superior to others.  All the other suffixes, like Jagat, Para, Maha, Loka, represent a particular aspect and its a position; para stands for one who is the most superior, and lords over the TRIO, being the cause of them.  It further means the protector, creator, destroyer, besides the personification of TRUTH.  All derive from AUM, which is his first name enshrined in the Vedas.


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About Principal Names  Of Siva
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