the outset, it presupposes and affirms that Siva has five distinct and different faces called
Sadyojata, Vasudeva,
Aghora, Tatpurusha and Isana. And each one faces a direction - viz
the Sadyojatamukha faces Vasudeva,
South; Aghora, West; Thatpurusha, North and Isana, Skywards. These five faces are highly adorable and
their import is mystic too. They have distinct qualities Isanamukha radiates vilasa - jubilant
sportive spirit, Thatpurushamukha is tapomaya - meditative in nature
Aghora Mukha is samharaka - stands for destruction; Vasudevamukha symbolises
Ahankara - arrogance, and Sadyojayamukha is jnanamaya, and so reflects knowledge. They have
five distinct
mantras, one each and when offering prayers, relevant mantras alone
have to be chanted. But each invariably brings out its own special
quality and eulogises it fittingly. Offering prayers, needless
to blesses the devotee with that quality which is invoked and
prayed for. They fulfill the desires of the individual adorers
according to their nature. Elaborate procedure with numerous rituals
are observed in some others, like shodasopachara puja. Devout
attention confers enlightenment and performance brings merit. So