Lord Siva To Be Adored |
Of India |
! the perverted man, by his earth and earthy mean, detestable,
arrogant, egoistic nature, manifesting in devil
greed and demon jealousy, is poisoning the elements and polluting
the environs by creating barriers among his own species and dividing
them into innumerable sects, parties,
groups, sanghs etc., through the wicked manoeuvres of the all
destroying and disastrous evil powers of politics and atheism. But
for this, man would not have lost his paradise, nor does he get
subjected to miseries of the cycle of births and deaths. Though he
is seeing the divine presence, peeping through every object around
him, and hearing
its pulse in every sound, he is still keeping himself away from the
righteous path. Is this not the direct outcome
of his non-chalance and disobedience to the heavenly injunctions and
scriptural canons ? What then is the way out to obtain atleast
Salokyamukti -- living in the Sivaloka,
leaving alone the other most covetable muktis, like Sarupya mukti
taking the same form as that of Siva, Sannidhya mukti -- living at
close quarters of the Lord and Sayujya mukti -- merging in Him, the
Highest of all, since it alone releases him from further births in
this sinridden treacherous world? The only course prescribed is
devotion, simple and pure for mankind in. this Kaliyuga through
yaga, penance, severe austerities etc. were prescribed in the other
three preceeding yugas - Krita, Treta and Dwaparayuga.
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