Siva Temples In Sri Lanka
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Temples Of India


Another very famous Siva Tirukkovil that etched its glorious name on the pages of both Simhaleese chronicles and Tamil Saiva scriptures is Tirukkedheecharam Sivan koil. It was visited by Tirugnana Sambhandar and Sundarar, whose lyrical out-bursts and accounts bring out the mysterious powers of the Kshetra called Mathottam and the demonstration of Sivalilas. The saints eulogized the holy place is such glorious way that the listeners determine to visit the place to make life disease proof. The Navalaras, Sundarar and Sambandar sang in sweet poems the Lord's abundant compassion that lifted theists and showered boons on the ardent bhaktas. Adoration ensures blissful life and diseaseless existence.

This holy saivakshetra is located on the bank of river Palavi and the area is called Mathottam. The local names for the presiding deities are - Khedheecharar and Gouri Ambika. The temple contains all the Saivate gods installed in grand majestic minishrines. Regular prayers and periodical festivals are celebrated with great devotional fervor. Huge crowds throng the place and convert it into Bhukailas. Being at the western tip of Ceylon touching Rameswaram almost all Tamilians from Bharat also visit often and adore the Lord frequently. It is a visit-worthy Saiva kshetra of global importance.

It lies 8 km off Talaimannar Railway station and is accessible by bus.

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About Talaimannar- Tirukkedheecharam Tirukkovil