comes the Aditya - Surya representing Sun-God as one of the forms
Sivashtamurtis. This stands for
buddhi-gnana aspect, not of any particular individual or living
creature, but the whole mass of animate world i.e. the collective
representation of the gnana of the living world. Hence fixing of a
place or shape to it becomes incongruous and absurd. If done, only
incompatibility emerges keeping the conception in disharmony. If
visual representation is insisted upon, we have to point to the Sun,
the fixed planet around which all other planets are going round in
their orbits without any stop, since creation and assigning of the
offices to them done by that All Highest Siva Himself. Yet the
Vignanabhaskaras -- the sages for easy comprehension and constant
adoration explained that visible and perceivable Sun is Siva. The
following sloka giving the evidence authenticates the truth:
ncha Sivam vidyat Sivam Aditya rupinim
Vubhayoh antharam nastihi Adhityasya Sivasyacha
the Suryamurti standing fixed to his place eternally, and blessing
the charachara prapancha with His effulgence is nothing but the
collective aspect of Jnana of Siva. Worshipping his icons in the
temples or adoring him directly tantamounts to offering puja to
one of Siva's Ashtamurtis. The fact that the Sun is the source of
light and energy should not be forgotten, or side tracked in our
zeal for worshipping the Supreme deity. Would the world survive,
if the energy and light are denied, or delayed even for a second ?
If seen in the proper perspective, this fact alone establishes the
existence of God, the Almighty and His abundant compassion for the
creation. For the darsan of Chandramurti, read ...