is a hill temple famous as the holy seat for two august gods -
father and son - Siva and Muruga. They are called Vennailingeswarar
and Singaravelar. According to sthalapurana, the celestial
wishyielding cow lived here, and on account of abundant flow of its
milk perennially, the entire region turned white with cream and
butter covering as crest all over the objects. Maharshi Vasista who
visited, the temple made Sivalinga out of that butter and installed
it in the temple for worship. Hence the apt name Vennailingeswarar.
When lifted the linga desiring to install elsewhere, it could not
rise even an inch high. His efforts proved futile and his troubles
worried him most. Hence this place was called Sikkal, symbolizing
his mental anguish. Later, Murugan came and settled down after
vanquishing the formidable demon Surapadma. Due to playing of
several sports divine, this holy place drew large number of devotees
regularly. These two temples are lavishly beautified with sculptures
of supreme craftsmanship and contain beautiful sculptural
It lies 5 km of Nagapattanam accessible by bus.