Siva Temples In Tamilnadu
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Temples Of India


This ancient saiva kshetra houses a Prithvi linga made by Devendra. According to sthalapurana, he worshipped this holy linga passionately for long, and later wanted to transplant it in Amarapuri. But he could neither lift nor shake it. He left it here and went home for public benefit. This august Siva linga bears on its top the finger prints of Devendra. And hence the Lord is called Kaichinna Nathar. It is a big temple with many masterly sculptured images installed in several minishrines. The image of Dhakshinamurthi is a specimen of supreme craftsmanship. There are two thirthas in the vast complex lying in the north and south of the garbhagriha.

It lies 3 km off Tiruvarur and is accessible by bus.

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