sthalapurana of this kshetra embodies an exotic account. The place
is reputed for its pure divine waters found in the nearly thirtham
called Kasithirtham. As the water has special powers, people visit
in large numbers on the auspicious day of Panguni Suklapaksha and
take bath during Aswani Nakshatra. Another oddity ! And that Kasi
thirtha is used only for abhisheka of the Lord during the entire
year and so public is forbidden to use it for any purpose. Such is
the sanctity of the water. Lord Siva deeming the job of creation
most sacred changed Brahma into water before undertaking the onerous
task. It was only after making Him thus purest - fit for the job,
Brahma was ordained to start creation. The glory of the place, water
and the Lord thus defy description. On the Punya divasa of Panguni,
people in thousands visit and await that subhagadia. This yatra
sthala has a great pull on all classes of people. The temple is vast
in dimensions and is enshrining all the adorable icons in proper
is 2 km of Tirukkadavur and is accessible by bus.