Siva Temples In West Bengal
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Temples Of India


The Temple

This strange temple is situated beside the river Dwarakeshwar in Ekteswara. It does not look like a Bangla Mandir, but resembles the Rekha deul minus sikhar of the Orrisan temples. Another strange feature that strikes the visitors' eye is - the walls are completely denuded of any carvings or paintings. As the worshipful Sivalinga is installed in well like structure, one has to reach it by descending many steps. Further, the place is not duly illumined with lamps made of either brass, or baked mud. It is with the help of the small pramida lit by the priest, one has to see and worship HIM. The darkness and odd environs evoke wonder than devotion. Yet, huge number of theists turn up on Mondays and offer reverential puja with all the paraphernalia as seen in Sivaalayas. Chaitra masa sees its glory reaching the summit with several festivals and processions spread over the entire month.

It lies in the village of Ekteswara in the vicinity of Bankura the district head quarters of the same name. It is accessible by train or bus and from Bankura, by rickshaws or tangos.

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About Ekteswara -  Ekapadeswara Mandir