Though the Murugan cult is very popular in Tamil Nadu to the extent
of the whole state nick-named Muruganadu, it has travelled far off and
entrenched itself firmly with beautiful modern temples built in several North
Indian states also. Among such latest modern temples, this Swaminatha
temple built in Ramakrishnapuram, Delhi lakes pride of place. As it lies in the
North, it is popularly called Uttara Swamimalai and the archamurti, Uttara
Swaminathan. Built by Tamilian devout Muruga Bhaktas in Dravidian
architectural style, it has all the parts - tower, garbha griha, mandaps for
parivaradevatas etc. Antiquity peeps at the viewer, though daubed with
modernity in the amenities provided, or designs of construction. Regular
worship and festivals are carried on with great devotional fervour befitting the
status of the Indian capital city.
It is in Ramakrishnapuram, accessible by four wheelers from any
point of Delhi.