Famous in song and legend as the birth place of Valli, the darling
spouse of Lord Subrahmanya, this hill temple is perching a covetable place in
the history of temples. According to legend she was born to a deer among the
Valli plants - a sort of edible root, so was called Valli, and picked up by chance
by Nambirajan, the chief of hunters, inhabiting the region. Being bewitching,
she was brought up with utmost affection by her adopted father. As she was
endowed with religious instincts more than the the girls of her own age group,
she was fond of listening to the stories of Murugan's peerless heroism and
extra-ordinary intellectual brilliance. She was visiting Murugan temple
regularly. Once the Triloka Sanchari Narada chanced to meet her and learnt her
passion for A1uruga. Being Kalahabhojan, he informed this to Muruga and
inflamed his love for such a ravishing beauty. Hearing, Muruga at once started
to her place on his peacock valiana. Alighting at her spot, he disguised himself
as hunter and staged a mock hunting for deer. The deer. as planned neared Valli. Instead of romantic conversation, there ensued heated quarrel. When she
summoned her people for protection, Murugan changed himself into a tree and
escaped from harassment.