the habitation and visitation of celestials and the performance of their 'lilas;
here is an interesting Pouranic evidence. It is extracted from Samba Purana, a
veritable mine of many fabulous accounts. It narrates that Samba, one of the
sons of Lord Krishna was frivolous by nature and used to incur displeasure to
his father quite often. Once when Krishna's incense reached the zenith, he
cursed him to suffer from leprosy. On imploring for mercy, he was asked to do
severe penance in Maitreya forest of Utkaladesa, till such time of finding the
image of the Sun, floating on the river Chandrabhaga as an act of atonement.
Samba did as bid and recovered from the loathsome disease. In token of
reverence, Samba built a grand temple and installed the image. The place thus
shot up into prominence started attracting devotees. All this happened in some
milliniums back only. With the passage of time, its glory had gone. And gone
with it, the sea also it receded for about 3 km to the south-east of the temple,
and the river Chandrabhaga becoming as insignificant pool. Yet, in the very same
place the present temple was built by the kings of Kesari dynasty.