Temples For The Triple Sects
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Temples Of India


This much-hallowed and greatly popular Surya Bhagawan mandir, though forming an integral part of the holy Siva Subrahmanya kshetra has certain unique features drawing a steady stream of bhaktas of his own throughout the year. Among the visiting bhaktas, those who adore him exclusively to be warded off from certain inexorable malific influence of sins, form the majority. He has been infinitely compassionate and favourably disposed to those, whose desires are remaining unfulfilled even praying for years elsewhere. Victims of broken alliances and delayed weddings are visiting and offering genuine prayers, taking vows to solemnise the weddings, if they are rowed across soon. He is going to their succor invariably. This is his plus point and that accounts for its popularity unbounded. Hope-lost parents and despaired youth form the majority of the adorers and with this Bhagawan's blessings they are enjoying blissful existence. Daily worship is offered with utmost devotional fervour. This Hari-Hara kshetra is famous for many more uniques that have been raising its glory to the pinnacle. 

It is just 10 km off Tirucharapalli in Tamil Nadu, accessible by town bus.


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