his search for other suitable places ended with selection of
Triprayar for Srirama, Moozhikulam for Lakshmana and Payemmal for
Satrughna. His cup of joy spilled at those four places and they
later became famous temples of eternal religious importance.
installation of Rama's image at Tripayar has an awe-some background
and it heightens the glory of the Lord to unprecedented level, and
endowed the idol and temple with heavenly sanctity. During his
consultation with the learned agama pundits for the installation of
Rama's statue, a mystery surfaced all on a sudden-an audible but
invisible voice directed Kaimal and the men in the assembly
deliberating over the place, that they had to install it at the
exact spot below a peacock seen flying just at the auspicious moment
the injunction as heaven-sent, preparations for pratishta went on
war-footing, and they all assembled on the Subhaghatika looking up
for the peacock to appear. But it did not appear. As the sands were
running out, the anxiety-of the people went up skyward, but the sky
a fill its changing patterns, perhaps, did not offer any sure clue.
Just then there appeared a devotee holding a bunch of peacock
feathers in his hands.