the Nalambalam outside, there are shrines for Narasimha and
Dharmasasta, each one. It is a unique feature that Narasimha is
adored here only. No shrine - anywhere has one independent shrine;
built for this incarnation. There is another shrine to the northwest
containing the family deities of the Zamorins, besides housing the
beautiful images of Krishna, Devi, Ganapathi, Sivalinga and a
Krisha mandir enshrining the beautiful image of Srikrishna lies to
the north, east of Lord Siva's Srikoil: It has all the .constituent
parts, like Srikoil nalambalam, flag-stuff etc. And is beautiful
with excellent murals and panels. The Mulavirat is Chaturbhuja
Mahavishnu revealing in his potent weapons - Sudarsana Chakra,
conch, mace and lotus.