annual festival begins on the auspicious Malayalam New year - Vishu
called Sankaraman day, which falls on 14th April every year. It
lasts for seven days with usual elephant processions, special
Bhuta bali - offering oblations to various alters etc.
Entertainments with modern audiovisual aids raise the glory of the
Lord to the skies, perhaps to acquaint the celestials with the
activities going on here. During then the offering of Kalabam -
smearing the Lord with sandal paste i.e. Chandanalanakra is made
invariably to the deity.
is a feast to eyes. And people from far and near throng to avail
this special feature. Aval offerings to Pavanputra Hanuman is common
here. It has many more special attractions for which bhaktas in
lakhs visit this temple, hence the belief in Northern India that
there is no need for southerners to visit northern parts at any
time; for, all the spiritual wealth is treasured up there in this
temple here. They can attain bliss by making offerings to this Lord
without going anywhere.
not such spiritual eminence mesmerize the true de vote's?
it anon! Be profited soon!!