the death of parents, the four though faced insurmountable social ostracism,
they never fell victims to them; on the other hand they turned god ward, who
they knew would never let down the pious. There occurred then many awe-inspiring
episodes in their life. They demonstrated many miracles that opened the eyes of
the die-hard traditionalists. Once, when Changdev a great saint came riding a
tiger to see Jnaneswar, Jnaneswar met him midway seated on his wall with
brothers making it
move by his atmic powers. Several incidents impressed the public with their
super natural powers. Alas! all of them did not live together for long, Sopan
and Markabai died young. Nivrittinath absorbing himself in the activities of the
Sampradaya was going on tours frequently, leaving Jnaneswar immersed in reading
and writing philosophical master - pieces. Being a saint of high order and
philosopher of immense scholarship, particularly in Advaitic school, he utilised
all his potentialities to writing commentary on Bhagavadgita, the song
authored many works, but only four of them became classics. Of the four-Jnaneswari,
Amritanubhava, Abhangas and Changadeva prasasti, Jnaneswari is universally
recognised as the Grandharaj in Marathi literature.