Discerning its merit, he passed it on to the higher authority with
commendation. And it was okayed. His objectivity and critical acumen deserve all
praise. I offer my whole-hearted gratitude to him with all humility due. I
express my sincere thanks to the benign Experts Committee, adorned by a highly
progressive young man for Chairman, and a scholarly luminary for Executive head
for approving and extending AID to printing of this book. I bow to them and the
members, who lent their support with one voice. Of the Divinities, BALAJI,
Mathridayanivasi takes precedence. Through a hierarchy of His human agency, He
granted this golden chariot and made me its mover, although He alone is moving
it unseen. I offer my prostrations to Him soulfully. Next comes my MOTHER
Adiparasakti, who in the aspect of SARADA, dwelling in my heart, since the dawn
of illumination of the efficiency of devotion and surrender lighted up an
inextinguishable akhandajyoti to guiding the devotional community with a series
of serene shafts of light for illumining their way to temples. Making a
parikramana, I offer obeisance to Her.