"Uddhare atma nathmanam" this Vedic aphorism, besides denoting the
efficacy of self help, connotes many covetable traits and covers a wider canvas.
It instills in minds several essential virtues that have to be zealously aspired
for, assisidously cultivated by and tenaciously held up by one and all. It is
applicable to all the living creatures, right from gods down to amoeba, sans
exceptions. At all times and in any place too. Though it upholds one's rising by
one's own efforts and standing on legs firmly as the best policy and right
course under all circumstances, it does neither snap the prop, nor denigrate its
past support. Sure, man being a social animal has to indispensably depend on
others for coming up in life and making a mark in the world. But not always.
The statement that poetry, woman and creeper-kavitha, vanitha and latha do
not thrive by themselves, and seek eternal refuge in others is true in parts but
not complete. Cent percent. Man's supreme ideal certainly advocates and
encourages lending or receiving support now and then, it dissuades clinging on
to support permanently, as it tantamounts to servility. One must always rise
by his own resources and tap at his inherent potentialities to keep his head
erect and move with commendable pride that alone brings credit to his life and
makes his living meaningful. Self help standing on one's own feet adds colour to
personality, lends majesty and wins honour even from the inveterate enemy.
By and large, it leaves one investing with honour and glamour.