Justifiably they justify thereby the omnipresence of the Omnipotent Lord in icon form to the
naked eye, but to the inner eye, the concrete, living all-observing ever succoring
Infinite Power worthy to be adored with flowers. Or sacrifices in extreme cases only. Does this not then
appear that the sacred mother Earth, out of infinite compassion has thrown up in certain places, some of
her priceless gems for the benefit for her own dear children?
Well, found hither or thither, called by any name, worshipped with paraphernalia
or without - bahyapuja or manasapuja, they all represent, rather stand for one, yes one and the same universal truth
that there is one Power Supreme, the recognition of which alone makes the birth fruitful, living enjoyable
and God's creation purposeful. And it is the duty indispensable on the part of every sentient being to
accept the almightiness of the most HIGH and offer unconditional total surrender, that alone marks the
cessation of the wretched sojourn in this mundane world, and the inauguration of upward journey
culminating in Sayujya.