temple has to its credit, some other traditions imbued with
mysticism, which neither the Test-tube scientists, nor obstinate
agnostics understand, even if facts are piled up one over the other
till it touches a high peak. Here is one that stupifies everyone,
but it was a common feature then.
a year, on the Siva-brata day, the highest priest of the temple
enters into dark cavern of the temple and brings with him some soil
from it. He gives a little to each of the officials of the temple.
Through the miraculous power of the Mahadev that given little soil
turns into gold in proportion to the degree of merit of the
receiver. Such miracles did happen and brought out the glory of the
Lord Maheswar. The believed were relived, but the atheists and their
brood have been still dangling in that mid sky unable to go up or
fall down with a thud. For, they are highly learned and honourable
and know where to go and how, but not when?