Mother Cauvery tolerates not decretion by any. The Salam Kallu thus
is making people join Tippu in offering obeisance to the divinities
in the temple and Mother Cauvery in a tank-its birthplace both while
going and returning. Doesn't divinity wring veneration from all,
irrespective of badges? God is one and there is unanimity in
humanity. His creation too is one and only one. Theists, might be
under the intoxication of devotion see the omnipresence of the
providence in every object and pay homage. And are contented and
happy better than any.
the sceptics and rationalists incur displeasure by their too clever
antics. The social stigma they bear on their persons is odious, yet,
they try to pulling down their honest brothers to their own level.
They are infinitely clever and enviably progressive in their
outlook. So call them honourable of honourables.