For, Ram is the only singular person among mortals and immortals,
who not only lived in ideals, but for realisation of them alone, lived a full,
stainless, exemplary, adorable life, and set such standards that celestials too
acknowledging its merit bowed to him heartily and soulfully.
comes now. He is justice personified, and righteousness incarnated. For him,
partiality, disobedience, infidelity, duplicity, opportunity never existed. They
never rather came out of their hide-out during his day. He was an ideal king-be
it for spouse, or stranger, he held the scales even. Always. Neither twisting,
nor constricting of the law ever raised its head, nor left a dot on the broad
white canvas of his life. Was he heartless, remorseless by the way? No! on the
other hand, he was compassion personified. He rose above Swa-para-bhava
mine-thine considerations. Proof. When pleaded to take back Sita after the death
of Ravana, he demanded Agnipariksha as pre-condition, though he knew perfectly
Well, she was purer than purity; more adorable than FIRE. On another occasion,
he sent her to forest in her full pregnancy. NO, not even stone, or stone-age
man would have done it. He did. Look! the victim fell at his feet and endorsed
his verdict as the just one!
son-Mother earth has not so far produced a similar one. Has not scriptures
dinned that father is God on earth? God never j errs, even for fun! Hence his
mute acceptance of a fourteen year exile.
Lo! He implemented it instantly without scope for second thought on either side.
As husband - he is non - pareil. He is monogamist.