is the principal shrine and deemed as the holiest of holies for the entire
Nepali nation. It binds the people living all over the globe on one silken bond
and proclaims that Saivism is the only state religion, though there are many
Buddha stupas in several places, and people in large numbers are adoring at
them. This sacred shrine is one of the chief rallying points of Hinduism and has
elevated the city to be on par with Varanasi -the all-time pilgrimage centre of
mankind. Moreover, is it is the focal point of all religions activities; for,
both the class and mass congregate here on every important days during
the year. The royalty holds this in the highest esteem by visiting regularly and
endowing munificently. No true Nepali ever misses visiting to praying to this
august Pasupathinath, enshrined in a grand imposing mandir. Every Hindu - living
in of out of this kingdom, yearns to feast his eyes with this majestic Chaturmuka Pasupathinath -four faced Maheswar and gets blessed by that Omni compassionate
Lord. Thousands of Indians visit this sacred shrine during the year, and for the
holy Mahasivaratri festival, devotees from four comers of the world throng and
absorb themselves in several spiritual activities converting the temple complex
into Bhukailas. And the very memory raises hands in devout prayers to the Lord
Maheswar called here as Pasupathinath.