idol of Sri Adiparasakti in Sukhasana - in easeful sitting posture
is placed on a tack stone shaped into a lotus that serves as
pedestal: She reseals herself ire Santha Swarupa - the tranquil
aspect and accepts only Sativika Puja - absence of animal
sacrifices. Right below the idol lies the Swayambhu - the self
manifested lingam-the prime cause of the emergence of Sri Adi
Parasakti temple.
To the left, adjoining the Karivarai there is a
small shrine called Puthu Iklandapam - where according to tradition,
Sri Adiparasakti was doing penance in the form of serpent. Next to
it lies the Saptakanyakar klandapam, enshrining the big size images
of Saptakanyas with small rectangular stone pieces installed at the