The Temples Of Tamilnadu
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Setting aside every plea he left saying that he would never dwell in Kailas, but create a world soon and secure adorers of his own.  He then forsook all and turned a recluse-satisfied with a Ioin- cloth and a staff.  He arrived at this hill called Sivagiri then created by the Sage Agasthya along with another bearing the name of Edumbhul Malai.  Agasthya perfomed penance here for some time, due to its extra ordinary sublimity and sanctity.  Before moving further down, he asked his powerful demon servant to follow hire carrying the two hills with him tying them on to a Kavadi.  He did While walking, he found the Edumbu Malai going up into air.

He placed two heavy stones on the lighter Edumbu Hills to equalize the weight, but could not balance it however much he tried.  He stopped to find out the cause. When scrutinized, he found Subrahmanya on the hill then found lower.  In the exchange of words, followed by fighting, the demon was killed.  At the intervention of Agasthya, he was given life. Moreover, the compassionate Muruga ordered the first worship to him in the temple in addition to making him his dvarapalaka at his request, as his loyalty pleased him. And the practice of offering pujas first is being followed since then.

The carrying of Kavadi started by that demon servant of Agasthya first was given a fresh lease of life by Muruga.  He allowed the practice to continue by his bhaktas thence onwards.  It is of many kinds - Paal Kavadi.  Paneer Kavadi, Pushpa Kavadi, Chandana Kavadi etc.  It is said that even if the cooked or fried fish is brought in sealed vessels or sealed tins in the Kavadi to the temple, it turns live fish.  That is Murugan's mahatya.  The Muruga bhaktas are in millions in Tamil Nadu, and all over the globe.  Their number is waxing due to the liberal grant of boons on the adorers including Muslims and Chirstians too.

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Kalidas's Version
Valmiki's Version
Agni Episode
Kritikas Episode
The Legend...Pg.1
You are Here! The Legend...Pg.2
The Temple
The Mulavar