The image of Archamurthi -- Ranganathaswami is made of black stone and it is very huge.
He is giving darsan lying recumbent on the Adisesha with his consorts Bhudevi- and Niladevi at his feet.
The dazzling jewels, shimmering vastras and multi-coloured garladns adorning him indeed offers a grand
feast of the eyes.
So the genuine devotees feel that
the gift of sight blessed by the Almighty God is justified in seeing this Lord in his
resplendent beauty. Tracy glue their eyes to the enchanting image and start muttering some verses or
hymns in praise of him Alwars like Kulasekhar preferred to transform themselves into some objects to
adorning this divya sannidhi for eternal adoration; for this Lord had granted Sayujyamukti to
several of his genuine adorers. Strangely enough, there are installed here the
idols of Alavandar, Nathamuni and Raman ujacharya. The image of Venkata Desika is found on the