The word 'Tanjore' conjures up a vision of a series of multicolored pictures of mighty rulers, who by
their matchless Valour and benign administration brought undying fame to South India that is
Dakshinapatha. It has been the seat of power for scores of dynasties that ruled it from time immemorial. It
was a capital city with a difference. Situated in a fertile delta and surrounded by rich alluvial soil - the
gift of ever-smiling Cauvery, it is rightly called the rice-bowl of the South by reason of
producing paddy twice a year in bumper crops to feeding sumptuously millions of
hungry mouths, with a great variety of grains and pulses, besides several kinds of luscious fruits.
It has had a splendid past. In and
around it were born many an illustrious god-man, who heightened the glory of our sacred
Ind, by establishing and propagating the diverse creeds of our all- adorable Hindu Dharma. It
was the centre of enlightening forums, famous for holding a several remarkable mellifluent
concerts and literary contests. Ascended here upon, several reputed saint composer-singers,
who poured down their souls in melodious strains, the divine sports of our gods and goddesses. And
god gifted poets and writers who gave literary banquets to both royalty and commonalty under the
munificent patronage of enlightened rulers.