This ancient holy temple lies in Beti Dwaraka and enjoyed ineffable spiritual eminence before the advent of Sri Krishna,
along with Yadava Community. It was the principal shrine luring devout theists regularly. Nithyanainmithika worship was
offered with great devotional fervour. The adorers were infinitely blessed by this lord, when soulful prayers were · offered;
for, they enjoyed peaceful existence only after the death of that dreadful demon. So they lost no time to erect a temple of
modest dimensions, embellished with sublime decorations. It became the centre of pilgrimage. Later, on Lord Krishna's
settling down here for permanent habitation, a beautiful city came up with the blessings and gifts rained on the city by the
highest gods like Devendra, Ashtadikpalakas etc. It possessed Navanidhis, Parijata. finest quadrupeds that enhanced its
reputation beyond description. When the whole of space was occupied with the emigrants, the temple's history took a turn.
And was given a secondary importance. Now occupying a small mandap in the campus of Krishna mandir.
The priest narrates that there lived a dreadful demon in this area in the Satya Yuga, who tortured the sages and innocents
to his sadistic pleasure day in and day out. His very name sent chills in the spines of the affected and they lived in perpetual
fear. The only means was found to pray to Sri Mahavishnu - the protector of the worlds. They did dirgha tapas, and the Lord
taking the shape of Matsya destroyed him in the sea - his hide out; for, the. demons like amphibious creatures live in water
with as much ease as on land. The great full devotees built a separate temple for the Matsyavatar, but in Dwaparayuga, with
the building of Dwarakadish temple, this became an integral part of lord Krishna's Mandir. Yet, regular ritualistic worship is
offered with rituals due.
It is in Beti Dwaraka, accessible by four wheelers up to Okha Dwaraka and then by steam boat.