Mayam Jagat |
Of India |
It has a fantastic story and relates that once Satyavrata. the king of Dravida desa found a pretty tiny fish in his cupped
hands, while offering jala tarpana to Surya Bhagawan. While looking at it with wondrous eyes, it appealed to his mercy to
protect it from external aggression by the bigger carnivorous aquatic creatures. Pitying, he kept it in a pot It grew into a big
one measuring sixteen inches long by next morning. 'Men it renewed its appeal for protection. He ordered it to be placed in a
well. Ah! What a miracle! It grew abnormally and occupied the well from side to side. He then transferred it to a tank at its
appeal. By the next day, it developed into such a gigantic stature occupying the whole space of the tank. The king at its
entreaty, bade his men to keep it in the sea. Wonder of wonders! The fish took its Viratarupa and tilled the whole sea with its
cosmic body from shore to shore. All round at it. Observing it with eyes wide open the king asked - who it was; the reason for
its enormous growth with incredible speed and when it would stop. The divine fish then proclaimed - "I am Sri Mahavishnu
and in a period of 100 years there descends Mahapralaya - great deluge" and added that the King had to keep each one. of
all the created species in a boat and the Vedas above them. And that the boat must be fastened to its fins for protection and
creation afresh after that disastrous holocaust And vanished. The king did as was bidden and recreation took in accordance
with the divine bidding guided by the vignana enshrined in the Vedas.
Thus the Matsyavatara ultimately preserved the Vignana and handed down to the posterity that ever-burning, never-failing
ajaramara, akhanda vignana jyoti. And it is the life breath to the cosmos.
With the fulfillment of that mahatkarya. Sri Mahavishnu repaired to Vaikunta. neither commanding on the spot to perpetuate
His incarnation with building of temples. nor through aerial voice later. So there are very few temples in the whole of
universe. But the grateful devout builders represented this avatar with carvings. paintings on pillars and ceilings in many
shrines superb in addition to installation of the archamurti in Matsyarupa in two independent separate temples. Let us visit
and-avail the darsan and offer worship for blissful existence during our short sojourn here now and Sayujya later.
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